The Way-The Water-The Walk

“’The Garden of Eden’ was irrigated. The origin of Eden means fruitful and well-watered. Gardens in the desert and the politics of water scarcity are as old as civilization.” Margaret Simons – ‘Cry me a River’. Quarterly Essay 2020

The Way-the Water-the Walk is an interactive installation that invites the public to dive into the complexities of water management. The project drew inspiration and research from the Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission that sought to investigate the implementation of the Basin Plan and whether the objectives of the Water Act 2007 are likely to be achieved.

As the instillation designer for this project I created a series of sculptural puzzles that simulate the complex interactions between the Murray Darling Basin’s jurisdictions, ecosystems and infrastructure. Participants were invited to fulfil their role in managing the flow of water between these elements. The installation design sought to test the limits of tipping points and the complexities of decision-making in the event of system collapse.

The Way-the Water-the Walk had a public viewing at Castlemaine Art Museum in November 2020.

Created By

Jude Anderson / Concept & Direction
Morwenna Schenck / Installation Design
Georgia Symons / Game Design
Jacques Soddell / Sound Design
Briega Young & Josiah Lulham / Performers
Miles Bennett / On-line Experience

Photos by Diana Domonkos.